Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Something we don't talk about, or is?

GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney is having to answer questions about his religion.
Over the weekend at the Values Voters Summit, the Rev. Robert Jeffress popped the inevitable question on many conservative's minds — is Romney an genuine Christian?
Jeffress, who pastors First Baptist Church of Dallas, introduced fellow Texan Rick Perry and described the Longhorn governor as a true believer and Christian.
In the pastor's remarks following his introduction he went further to explain what he meant about Mitt.
"I think Romney is a good moral person but those of us who are born-again followers of Christ should prefer a competent Christ...Between a Rick Perry and a Mitt Romney I believe evangelicals need to go with Rick Perry," said Jeffress.
Speaking with reporters after Perry finished speaking to the crowd he was much more blunt.
"Mormonism is not Christianity. It's not politically correct to say, but Mormonism is a cult."
The gloves are off.
Jeffress, who was not selected by Perry for his introduction, described Romney as "a fine family person."
The pastor posed the question for all conservatives, "Do we want a candidate who is a good moral person, or one who is born-again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ? In Rick Perry we have a candidate who is a committed follower of Christ."
On Sunday morning Jeffress told his congregation about his comments, if they hadn't already seen them on TV the night before, and made it clear he was not speaking for the 10,000-member church but as a private citizen.
In a press conference in New Hampshire, Romney called on Perry to repudiate Jeffress' comments. At this time no repudiation has been made.
It will be interesting at tonight's Republican Presidential Debate to see who jumps on the topic first.
Growing up, we were taught not to discuss any of the big three in public - religion, politics or money.
Tonight, we will likely hear about all three subjects in some way or fashion.

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