Tuesday, February 21, 2012

GINGRICH: Dangling a carrot

It's the natural way. Politicians throw out promises, most of which they know they can never keep, in an out and out effort to gain votes.

Former Speaker of the House New Gingrich has perfected such an art.

"With Gingrich policies, what we know is we will dramatically expand our independence in the world market, dramatically expand our capacity to produce energy without regard to our foreign potential enemies and in the process prices will clearly be a lot lower," Gingrich said. "Now, I picked $2.50 as a stabilizing price for capital investment reasons. It could easily go down to $2."

Speaking to more than 3,500 people at Oral Roberts University on Monday, Gingrich dangle the carrot.

Much talk has been made that motorists should prepare to pay $5 a gallon come summer for gas.

In a state that relies heavily on the sale of gas and oil, Gingrich knew what to say. He wants to expand the oil capacity, good for the consumer, but not so much with the producer. More domestic oil might mean less reliance on the Middle East variety, but would it also reduce the profits of oil companies?

Gingrich was playing the crowd while in Tulsa.

Will voters believe Newt?

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